My Research
Parameterized Algorithms
Prime Implicants Computation
In my final year thesis (Summer 2022–Spring 2023), supervised by Prof. Amir Goharshady, I explored parameterized algorithms for computing prime implicants of Boolean expressions, which has applications in bioinformatics, databases, and fault tree analysis.
- Key Contributions:
- designed 3 novel paramterized algorithms for enumerating prime implicants of C.N.F. boolean expressions
- proved several novel hardness results for various parameterizations of the same problem
Type Theory
Bidirectional Typing for MLScript
I designed and presented a set of bidirectional typing rules for the MLScript programming language. This work emerged from my project under Prof. Lionel Parreaux (Fall 2022).
- Key Contributions:
- designed bidirectional typing rules for MLScript
Hierarchical Clustering & Approximation Algorithms
As part of my work with Prof. Mordecai Golin (Fall 2021), I investigated hierarchical clustering algorithms for graphs based on the planted partition model. The algorithms focused on approximating optimal clusterings under specific assumptions.
- Key Contributions:
- analyzed an approximation algorithm under strong assumption: it achieved a near-1 approximation factor
- investigated average linkage clustering in weaker assumption settings: it achieved a 0.5 approximation factor